The beta test for Firewalk Studios’ upcoming hero shooter has yet to spark widespread interest or excitement. The advertising machine is revving its engine, fueled by a recent animated video showcasing Teo, It-Z, and Jabali’s impressive abilities, with three new trailers now available to further amplify the excitement. Examine them out beneath.
Teo is a typical run-and-gun fighter equipped with an automated assault rifle, a smoke grenade that allows him to detect enemy positions, and cluster grenades for delivering devastating area damage. Itzcan teleport to orbs and disrupt enemies to supercharge her SMG, also creating decoys in the process. Jabali is a hybrid assault character capable of both therapeutic allies by deploying Hunter Orbs that harm enemies and refreshing his own Life Pulses.
Will we attend to compare the launch of various Freegunners, observing how character trailers adapt to animated adventures? The highly anticipated fighting game is now available to purchase on August 23rd for PlayStation 5 and PC, featuring six gameplay modes, 12 meticulously crafted maps, and an initial roster of 16 playable characters. Check out our initial Beta Impressions below.