As pre-order numbers soar and games top Steam’s wishlists, Recreation Science is riding high on its success. In a forthcoming update, the game will introduce enhanced boss fight mechanics, adding a fresh layer of complexity to existing battles. Discover a fresh take alongside an older version from August 2022, as tested by GameSpot below.
Guangzhi, dubbed a “wolf-like beast,” refined his skills within a mystical monastery’s walls. As master of The Purple Tides, he orchestrates intricate combinations that culminate in blazing displays of ferocity, rivaling Wukong’s pace while sustaining the intensity throughout. The Second is Purple Loon, a hidden boss with a razor-sharp tail that harnesses the power of lightning. Fortunately, a well-timed spell can swiftly intervene, enabling a powerful counterattack to knock the foe to the ground.
The game will launch on August 20th for PlayStation 5 and PC, but the Xbox Series X/S version has been delayed to ensure optimal performance. Despite whispers of a potential PlayStation-exclusive arrangement, its influence on the game’s release remains unclear. Stay tuned for future developments – we’ll provide regular updates on our latest news and features.