Ayaneo has unveiled its latest Android-powered handheld gaming console, the Pocket EVO, and successfully reached its funding goal on Indiegogo. By the time this report was written, the campaign had received $93,800 in contributions from over 160 people, exceeding expectations ahead of the machine’s planned mid-September 2024 launch event and November 2024 shipping date.
The Ayaneo Pocket EVO features a 7-inch 1080p OLED display, paired with a generous 8GB of RAM and a substantial 129GB of internal storage. The device will utilize a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 gaming-optimized processing system, combining an 8-core Kryo central processing unit with an Adreno A32 graphics processing unit for enhanced performance. The device will feature advanced settings, including customizable button mapping, a high-performance Turbo mode, and an Efficiency mode designed to optimize system performance. Although Android Yet to Android (AYA) Space and AYA Residence provide convenient management of downloaded video games and apps, they may require periodic updates to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with evolving app ecosystems. Corridor joysticks might be current. The innovative drive modes include four-mode vibration, a turbo-boosting feature, and an efficiency-enhancing option.
For the first time, individuals will have the opportunity to experience their new product in three distinct colorways: Retro Energy, Sky White, and Starry Black. Notwithstanding, the Retro Energy model comes in a limited edition format. At its most cost-effective point, the early Fowl Pro’s base price tag stands at a competitive $639 for the 24GB storage and 1TB SSD model configuration. Initially, pricing may reach up to $799 at market debut. The estimated going price for this particular model is $739.
Discover the subsequent tiers on Indiegogo featuring a range of stylish designs in both Sky White and Starry Black fashion options.
- 8GB with 128GB – $389 (early bird special), $499 at official launch.
“For $459, customers can pre-order a 12GB model with 256GB storage during the early bird promotion, or opt for the standard price of $599 at launch.”
- $799 early bird, $999 at launch for the 16GB model paired with a 512GB storage capacity.
- 16GB with 1TB – $589 (early bird), $759 (launch)?
AYANEO is renowned for its innovative handheld consoles and retro game revivals, reimagining classic gaming experiences for modern enthusiasts. Considered one of its most cutting-edge releases are the Steam Deck-like AYANEO Slide and AYANEO Air Professional.
The Ayaneo OLED Pocket EVO’s anticipated launch event is slated for September 2024, with a targeted shipping date of early November 2024.