Rebel Developments has unveiled a gripping new trailer for its highly anticipated first-person survival game, set to debut in the early stages of next year. Within the ravaged city of Windham, five years after the devastating Windscale nuclear catastrophe, a determined investigator delves into the shadowy operations of the British Atomic Research and Development agency (B.A.R.D.), amidst a tangled web of intrigue and deception.
Under the watchful eye of Protocol, Windham’s perimeter was safeguarded by a team of vigilant guards, awaiting reinforcement that never materialized. In the meantime, B.A.R.D. bunkers exist, teeming with B.A.R.D. While robots thrive in certain regions, diverse cults are scattered throughout the surrounding territories. The latter group is equipped with significantly inferior weapons such as bows, cricket bats, and axes, while constructing wicker effigies and performing dark rituals.
The darkness isn’t total, though, as that’s not together with the surrounding caverns where glowing fungi and mutated creatures hold sway. Gamers must scour the environment to acquire a diverse arsenal of weapons and, at times, craft ammunition as it is often scarce and temporarily available.
The highly anticipated game is set to launch in March 2025 for a diverse range of platforms, including the Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The new game is available to play on Day One with a Recreation Pass. Discover more about the fascinating influences that shaped this concept.