The latest installment in Gust’s iconic RPG series has officially been unveiled. The highly anticipated title is scheduled to debut in early 2025 across multiple platforms, including Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and the Nintendo Switch. Test it out beneath.
The trailer suggests a nostalgic return to expansive environments, yet introduces innovative gameplay elements. Meet Yumia, the innovative heroine who can transform her surroundings with ease, crafting unique decorations in her room that reflect her ever-changing personality. When the situation calls for precision, she can reimagine her worker companions as a high-powered rifle, capable of delivering accurate and long-range firepower. With the ability to harness Alchemy Cores, she can rapidly synthesise complex objects such as Bombs mid-combat.
While the narrative remains shrouded in mystery, Yumia’s relentless pursuit of the dragon-like individual responsible for catastrophic devastation becomes increasingly evident. A enigmatic wolf-like figure emerges, its motivations shrouded in uncertainty. While hints at a thrilling mystery are tantalizing, it’s memories that truly take center stage.
Fortunately, Gust has announced that they will be hosting a livestream on September 2nd at 9:00 PM Japan Standard Time (JST), with additional details to follow; stay tuned for more information.