Gamers will have the opportunity to embody two distinct protagonists, each with their own unique focus: Samurai Yasuke, driven by martial prowess and physical power, and Shinobi Naoe, whose expertise lies in stealth and agility. Following their in-depth exploration of stealth gameplay mechanics, Ubisoft has now provided insight into the combat aspects of their game as well?
New information has emerged regarding the combat performance of each protagonist, accompanied by notable alterations to their playstyles that players can expect to see during gameplay. In essence, when it comes to fundamental principles, several parallels exist. Characters will leverage the power of sunshine and intense attacks, supplemented by a novel mechanic called Posture Assaults – essentially amplified versions of light or heavy strikes that can be charged for added impact. While possessing a sword and proficiency in Posture Assaults is certainly impressive for Yasuke, it’s worth noting that his abilities extend beyond mere physical prowess.
Characters can also dodge, though they execute their evasions through various means. While Yasuke executes precise dodges, his agile counterpart Naoe favours swift rolls. Due to his sizeable physique, Yasuke must also allocate time to briefly repair home windows after every consecutive dodge-step. While attired in significantly more protective armor than Naoe, Yasuke’s resilience allows him to withstand protracted battles against larger groups of adversaries. Despite being driven by a sense of justice, Naoe acknowledges that combat is not always the most effective or desirable solution.
Yasuke’s parrying abilities allow him to neutralise incoming assaults, forcing opponents to retreat momentarily and leave themselves open to counterattacks; in contrast, Naoe can deflect blows, causing her to sidestep enemies and create an opportunity for flanking attacks, although she may also become vulnerable to other foes. While Yasuke’s ability to absorb harm from incoming blows serves as a key distinction from his ally Naoe, who lacks this capacity. During this brief window, each character’s unique abilities could potentially induce temporary vulnerabilities in their foes through clever maneuvers such as well-timed dodges.
Ubisoft has further disclosed specifics on acquireable abilities for both Yasuke and Naoe, as well as the diverse enemy types players will face in the game, and the various tactics they’ll employ in combat. Discover more about that topic through this link.
is scheduled to release on Valentine’s Day, February 14, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.