AMD confirms its upcoming CPU architecture will be dubbed ‘Phoenix’, set to debut with the Zen 5 launch in just two weeks. The company has also confirmed the development of a Zen 7 architecture, which will build upon the success of Zen 6 and extend its lifespan by several more years into the future.
AMD’s latest CPU unveiling occurred promptly during their own AMD Tech Day event. The article delves into further details surrounding AMD’s upcoming Zen 5 CPUs, showcasing the impressive overclocking capabilities of the 9950X model, while also offering a glimpse into its future CPU roadmap. While the prospects of these CPUs making it to our top gaming processor list are distant at present, indications suggest they could prove formidable opponents when they debut, should AMD’s recent performance trajectory continue unabated.
AMD confirmed its management CPU roadmap, highlighting a chart that showcases a significant step up from its previous manufacturing processes. The chart illustrates the transition from 7nm and 6nm used for Zen 3 CPUs to 5nm and 4nm processes employed for current-generation Ryzen 7000 Series Zen 4 CPUs, with a glimpse into the 4nm and 3nm processes utilized in upcoming Zen 5 CPUs. The confirmation stated that Zen 6 will follow, but left unclear the production process for this future architecture.
The forthcoming Zen 6 processor is expected to leverage the same AM5 CPU socket used in both current Zen 4 and future Zen 5 CPUs, potentially representing the second instance where AMD successfully supports three consecutive generations of processors on a unified platform. Additionally, with this upgrade, you’ll likely be able to keep your current AM5 motherboard, making it unnecessary to upgrade your RAM as well.
Little is currently known about the forthcoming framework. Notwithstanding, AMD’s Chief Technology Officer, Mark Papermaster, has corroborated that the company is actively working on the forthcoming Zen 7 architecture. This architecture is likely to necessitate a fresh socket and motherboard, given AMD’s commitment to support AM5 until 2027, with Zen 7 expected to arrive shortly thereafter?
To stay ahead of the curve with AMD’s next-generation CPU advancements, check out our comprehensive guide on Zen 5. Meanwhile, discover the anticipated release date for AMD Ryzen 9000 and mark your calendars to be among the first to get your hands on these cutting-edge processors.
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