Pokémon developer Game Freak has suffered a significant hack, resulting in the unauthorized release of confidential information, including the codename for Pokémon Sword and Shield’s sequel, currently referred to as “Aearo”.
According to IGN, a massive data breach occurred at Sport Freak over the weekend, with a substantial amount of sensitive information being illicitly disseminated in a rare and unprecedented cyberattack on the company. While initial uncertainty surrounded the authenticity of leaked content, subsequent clarification came with the issuance of a press release by Sport Freak, which confirmed that an information breach occurred in August this year. Reports have emerged that a significant amount of sensitive data, including information about various Pokémon video games, appears to have been compromised in a major leak. Specifically, approximately 2,606 records containing details about current, former, and contracted workers have seemingly fallen prey to the breach.
Sport Freak swiftly issued a formal apology to all parties impacted by the breach, simultaneously confirming that the compromised server had been meticulously rebuilt and thoroughly inspected to ensure its integrity. While the initial statement lacks specificity regarding past and upcoming game breaches, acknowledging the incident’s occurrence could significantly bolster credibility surrounding these claims.
The most significant revelations from the leak centre on the codename “Ounce” reportedly assigned to Nintendo Switch 2 or the forthcoming successor console, as well as whispers surrounding an as-yet-unannounced tenth generation of Pokémon games and other unconfirmed Pokémon titles. Despite the overwhelming abundance of details, prime particulars, and innovative concepts shared, the sheer volume of information presents a challenge in distilling the key points.
The Pokémon Company has largely maintained a low profile this year, with only one Pokémon Presents event held so far in February, which unveiled Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the latest installment in the Legends series, set in the sixth generation’s region of Kalos. Typically, a Pokémon Presents event takes place in August, but it was notably absent last year.