In the picturesque Himalayas, as explored in “A Harsh Climb,” lies a cryptic puzzle waiting to be uncovered. As one ascends through the treacherous frozen terrain of KMS Kummetz, the journey culminates at a locked door and an intriguing disassembled cipher machine, which ultimately yields the coveted solution.
This guide provides a step-by-step solution to the Cipher Machine puzzle, along with the encoded answer key.
Cipher Machine puzzle
As you near the end of your tenure on the warship, you’ll gain access to the Officer’s Lounge within the KMS Kummetz. Conveniently located beside the main route, making it impossible to overlook. As you reach the deck and engage in a fierce battle with the Nazi forces, you’ll ultimately gain control of the area before returning indoors to ascend a ladder. The officer lounge is spot on the prime location.
The various components of this enigmatic challenge. Starting from the entrance door, you’ll find the object at the end of the table. The phrase as it stands is unclear. Here’s a possible improvement:
The phrase was — .
(Note: I’ve kept the original sentence structure and wording to avoid altering its meaning, but made some minor adjustments to improve clarity.) Ö That will be essential in a second.
What kind of finish does the desk have? You won’t preserve it, but we’ll be back for it in a second?
Carefully inspect each cabinet to locate the disassembled Cipher Machine, hidden among the shelves and drawers. You will uncover yet another.
The initial step in deciphering the Cipher Machine puzzle involves positioning the Code Wheels inside their designated compartment within the lunchbox-like device situated on the shelf.
For the order, you’re searching for the letters from the Captain’s Code—. All of these letters appear to exist solely on one single wheel. For the Ö, ensure you select the one bearing the umlaut. Load them into the machine accordingly.
Once all Code Wheels have been fully engaged, close the cipher machine’s lid securely? As we rotate the dials, the luminescent display flickers, and a sequence of cryptic coordinates emerges: JÖGM 1234. The room is abuzz with anticipation as we wait for the encryption key to reveal its secrets.
The text can be placed beneath the table as follows: When approaching the Code Desk situated directly adjacent to the machine, you will find a numerical code waiting for your attention.
Turn back around to search out the locked door. Unlock the code’s secrets by spinning within, and you’ll uncover the optimal escape route.