As mid-year mark approached, Robotic Leisure made a splash by announcing the next installment in its popular tower defense franchise, confirming it will launch sometime in early 2025. The highly anticipated event now boasts a specific launch date, with the sport itself drawing near.
Will officially launch on January 28, Robotic Leisure has unveiled a fresh gameplay trailer for you to experience below. The trailer teases fresh gameplay mechanics, boasting a plethora of scenes showcasing familiar tower defense action that longtime fans of the series will instantly recognize and appreciate. While waiting, innovative systems like Struggle Mages, emergent rogue-like development mechanics, and more are being explored. Try the trailer below?
Upon its official launch next month, it will be available on Xbox Series X/S and PC. While there’s no official word yet on the PS5 launch date from Sony, speculation persists about when we might see this new gaming powerhouse hit the market.