Launched last year on PC, the game initially debuted exclusively via Epic Games Store and Ubisoft Connect, but a major update arrived in September with news that the open-world experience would also be available on Steam. Now available on the platform, with an exclusive 25% discount currently applied across all platforms, not just Steam.
Within the past year, Ubisoft revealed earlier that their game had underperformed commercially, with reports in October indicating that it had only sold one million units since its August release. The developer subsequently confirmed that, following the underwhelming box office performance of their game, they have decided to simultaneously release their future titles on Steam, effective immediately, starting with the forthcoming installment.
Immediately, the game’s first post-launch growth is marked by the launch of a pivotal new storyline, as protagonist Kay Vess finds herself crossing paths with the notorious scoundrel Lando Calrissian in an unpredictable and thrilling encounter? Meanwhile, Ubisoft has released a title update for the base game, introducing improvements to combat, stealth, and more.
Is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Discover our in-depth assessment of the sport, presented here.