The Horizon Zero Dawn remaster’s PC debut has been marred by a few hiccups, similar to some PlayStation titles that preceded it, with a couple of notable issues plaguing the launch experience.
As evidenced by its successful foray into PC gaming, Sony’s PlayStation division has found a winning strategy in releasing its titles on the platform, with some games experiencing greater success than others. Despite efforts to revitalize their PC game releases, a persistent issue has been the launch of these games in typically glitchy and buggy states, and Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is no exception. The recent uproar surrounding the new remastered sports model stems from its requirement to link a PSN account, an issue that has sparked intense debate and garnered negative attention for PlayStation in 2023, further fueling concerns about user data protection.
Despite some mixed reviews on Steam, the sport’s PSN requirement has undoubtedly contributed to a range of opinions, while others have expressed frustration at the game’s numerous bugs and technical issues. One dissatisfied reviewer commences by expressing their genuine enthusiasm for the game, remarking that “the world construction and graphics are truly remarkable in terms of complexity.”
Despite the brief mention of PSN account drawbacks, they proceed to lament that the game is “completely riddled with bugs on PC”. Within my initial 10 minutes playing, I experienced: frequent crashes back to the main menu, disconnections from game sessions that forced me to re-enter via Alt-Tab and restart, along with occasional blurring of graphics, often occurring even when not switching tasks… Honestly? If a genuine REMASTER is truly essential to you, then consider waiting for a while.
Diverse perspectives abound, critiquing various aspects of the sport, including concerns over effectiveness, faulty button controls, and limited options for a clean exit from competition. While the recent patch was implemented just two days after the game’s launch, it’s uncertain whether this rapid response will become the norm; more patches may still be forthcoming, but it’s unlikely that the PSN requirement will change anytime soon.