The iconic branching story paths, a hallmark of Bioware’s renowned narrative style, are once again on full display in. One incorrect participant selection can lead to a missed opportunity for the quest “The Soul Of A Metropolis” and its corresponding achievement/trophy.
Discovering the correct method for securing the elusive ‘The Soul of a Metropolis’ Achievement/Trophy requires attention to detail and a strategic approach.
To gain access to the elusive search, it’s crucial to prioritize Minrathous over Treviso by committing to aid Neve and the Shadow Dragons. This alternative is offered upon completing the primary quest, “A Warden’s Finest Pal”.
As the game unfolds, it’s crucial to proactively reserve a save point ahead of time, as the sport will not automatically do so.
Prioritize building the Faction Energy of the Shadow Dragons to a maximum of three stars (or 3,200 factors) in anticipation of acquiring this coveted trophy. It’s often most effective to achieve this through buying and selling with a reputable service provider. To ensure the survival of both Dock City and Minrathous, it’s crucial to prioritize grinding efforts as soon as possible?
Following their liberation from the tyrannical grip of Dragon Seartooth Vyrantis, players are entrusted with a series of optional quests to support the enigmatic Shadow Dragons in Dock City.
The “Soul of a Metropolis” quest is notoriously challenging to complete if you’ve managed to save Minrathous.
Subsequently, access the ‘In Memoriam’ section by defeating foes in the Dock City area and then engaging with one of the fallen bodies there. The tasks that await.
- Rituals For The Risen
- Cornered In The Catacombs
- Out Of Tune
- Mercenary Intent
- A Hidden Hoard
- The Snake Nest Deal
- Determined In Dock City
- Final Rites
- The Tempered Soul, Eternal
The trophy should unlock once you’ve maximized Faction Energy for the Shadow Dragons and completed every side quest in Dock City.
Can you please reveal the secrets of unlocking ‘The Soul Of A Metropolis’ by completing a specific task within a set timeframe during your playthrough?