The next installment in the beloved Matt Dabrowski series, a sequel to the phenomenally successful sandbox RPG, is now offering a complimentary demo for PC gamers through the Steam Next Fest, giving fans and newcomers alike a taste of what’s to come. Despite initial optimism, the eagerly anticipated launch date has slipped again, this time pushed back to an unspecified point in the near future.
On Steam, Dabrowski clarified that his goal is not to create an indefinite wait period. The exact release date remains uncertain and is expected to be confirmed closer to the game’s launch, pending various factors that have contributed to the delay. These include the project’s massive scope and the sole developer’s workload. As it became clear on October 22nd by July, ultimately, despite my best endeavors, I sensed the recipe required a tad more baking time.
I offer my sincerest apologies for the unfortunate delay. It’s frustrating when expectations are dashed, leaving you feeling let down and disappointed. We won’t confirm specific dates until they’re a 100% certainty.
As previously mentioned, the demo supplants the initial playtest, featuring the same carefully crafted content. The alpha construct implies that certain content may have been omitted from the full release, potentially leaving a fragmentary or incomplete impression on users. The demo commences on a picturesque island situated within the primary landmass, where players must strategically eliminate the Mayor or cultivate their favour to achieve success.
In reality, just like the main game, players can handle this situation in whichever way suits them best. With numerous courses and a procedurally generated world, where certain island features remain consistent. Controller assistance may not currently be accessible, but rest assured that we’re working on incorporating this feature in the future; stay informed about upcoming developments.