“You Can’t Scare Me, a chilling virtual reality cooperative horror game, rewards players for successfully frightening their fellow gamers in an immersive experience, set to debut on Oculus Quest next month.”
Developed by LunaBeat, You Can’t Scare Me aims to seamlessly blend humor and horror elements in cooperative gameplay experiences designed for up to four players, featuring eight distinct scenarios that span from a foreboding haunted mansion to a desolate abandoned theme park. A participant attempts to survive the ‘Haunted’ world, while simultaneously collecting hidden keys and bones. Because you’re a ‘Haunter,’ your objective is to craft terrifying environments by setting traps and cultivating spine-tingling scenarios that will thoroughly unsettle the ‘Haunted’?
Intrigue is piqued as You Can’t Scare Me assesses the Haunters’ ability to elicit a scream from the Haunted, relying on the Quest’s microphone to accurately detect the response. The aid in this process comes from a diverse array of eight distinct monster costume options, each accompanied by more than 50 accessible traps to heighten the experience. Within the web celebratory mode, players also have access to a single-player option, where they can take on the role of the Haunted as they face off against computer-controlled Haunters in a challenging and immersive experience.
You Can’t Scare Me lands on October 10 for $10 on the Meta Quest platform.