Despite offering an astonishingly large number of copies, particularly for a remastered expansion, Mario Kart remains in no hurry to show signs of slowing down, even at this late stage in the Nintendo Switch’s lifespan? The company’s best-selling product has, indeed, surpassed another significant sales benchmark.
According to recent data released by Famitsu on Japanese gaming trends, the popular video game once again topped the charts, ranking among the top sellers of the week in Japan, landing at number… Within the software program’s vast repository, boasting an astonishing 7,000+ offerings. Notably, the sport’s lifetime sales in Japan have surpassed 6 million units. Gross sales have reached an impressive total of 6,005,594 units.
While extremely remains the bestselling Nintendo Switch title in Japan, The iconic Japanese bookstore that sits atop which has remarkably provided more than 7.9 million volumes in its home market – and is closing in on an astonishing 8 million titles. While shoppers are busy exploring new products elsewhere, the existing market still lingers, boasting an impressive 5.5 million items available within its vicinity.
While physical sales figures are significant, it’s crucial to note that they account for bodily gross sales alone; however, Japan uniquely experiences a more substantial proportion of bodily gross sales compared to other regions. Despite these reported figures, the actual gross sales of the titles remain unaccounted for.
As of June 30, worldwide gross sales have reached a milestone of approximately 62.9 million units.