RGG Studio recently unveiled its latest installment in the beloved Ys series. Primarily based on the narrative, Majima Goro’s unexpected awakening on an uncharted island, coupled with his transformation into a swashbuckling pirate, appears to be a tangential offshoot from the main storyline. The cityscape of Honolulu is just one of three distinct regions to explore in the metropolis.
Is it much like ? According to a recent interview between President Masayoshi Yokoyama and Japanese gaming publication Famitsu, the story of their latest game has been significantly expanded, with the narrative now spanning approximately 1.3 to 1.5 times larger than its predecessor? The exact spatial dimension remains unclear, with the individual acknowledging that the overall recreational scope is significantly larger.
The manufacturing period of the sport had been protracted, with Yokoyama noting that the team had to keep the endeavour under wraps for an extended duration. It seems that numerous unforeseen events lie in store for us to discover.
Debuts on February 28th, 2025, for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, with a suggested retail price of $59.99, alongside a Digital Deluxe Edition available to purchase. Explore a wide range of playstyles and combat types available here.