The God of War series from Santa Monica Studio has finally made its debut on PC. Despite a successful start, its recent release has failed to match the lofty heights achieved by its 2018 precursor on Steam. According to SteamDB statistics, the game reached its maximum concurrency at approximately 22,967 simultaneous players.
In contrast, the 2018 game peaked at a modest 73,529 concurrent Steam players on January 16th, 2022. Given its successful launch on January 14th, which saw spectacular numbers over the weekend, there’s a strong possibility of repeating this triumph. Despite the original title’s flexibility not requiring linkage between Steam and PlayStation communities for single-player gameplay, the impact of this change on the sequel is surprisingly significant.
The release of Ballistic Moon’s remake also sparks uncertainty, particularly with its launch date set for October 4th on PS5 and PC, and the need for both a PSN account on Steam. Stay informed about developments regarding the same subject.
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