As players converge on the platform, the pursuit of prestige intensifies, with dedicated gamers striving for the elusive 99th rank and obsessively collecting badges. Badges have undergone significant changes this year, with several being removed from the game entirely. Despite this, acquiring well-rounded teams in MyCareer hinges on achieving success through Badge upgrades and management.
While badges do feature multiple tiers, achieving Gold status remains the ultimate objective. It’s good to meet the statutory requirements. Fulfilling the badge’s requirements is crucial for ranking it up, much like meeting mid-range picture standards on Deadeye or achieving optimal move accuracy in Ball Out. While you may just play the sport, there exist quicker and more consistent ways to achieve this.
Visit The Dunes, located on the coastal portion of the Metropolis map. As you approach the mysterious board, a cinematic sequence unfolds before your very eyes. The scene fades in, transporting you to a world of intrigue and deception. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in this captivating narrative as it sets the stage for what’s to come. Once the cutscene concludes, the board will finally yield its secrets, beckoning you to begin your next move. You can compete against a diverse range of opponents in streetball. To unlock Dunkotron 5000 and Jukes the Clown as potential teammates, simply defeat them in the Weekly Problem mode.
While other players on the board may present a greater challenge, Danny Dunkman remains an accessible opponent, making it relatively easy to navigate a match against him regardless of whether you’re attacking or defending. You’ll be able to effortlessly execute any performances you desire with minimal difficulties encountered. Upon completing a match, you will receive Digital Currency and MyPoints in your ranking, as well as tracking progress on badges. Prioritize rematching against Danny until you’ve maximized your badge ranking by consistently upgrading and refining your skills.
Available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.