Shaping up to be a promising sequel to its critically acclaimed 2020 predecessor, it’s becoming increasingly clear with each new revelation about the game. While building upon the 2020 iteration’s strong foundation through iterative development approaches, the game is poised to incorporate significant new gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to disembark from aircraft and explore environments on foot.
Sure, you learn that proper. According to an interview with PC Gamer, Microsoft’s head of Flight Simulator, Jorge Neumann, has shed light on the upcoming installment’s innovative features, revealing that players will be able to explore the vast, intricately detailed map not only through flight but also on foot, further immersing themselves in the world of aviation and simulation.
“Now that you’ve exited the aircraft, feel free to take a leisurely walk around,” Neumann said. You can leisurely walk along your beloved mountain trail to reach your cherished cabin nestled in the mountains. Sit on the lake. See the sundown. Is it actually a digital twin that you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in?
“People have unique emotional territories; whenever someone arrives at a new destination, they instinctively gravitate towards familiar spaces – first, their own childhood home, then the places that hold memories with friends and family.”
“I’m eager to explore the destination where people can finally take to the skies, given our significant advancements have made it worth revisiting. I believe there are unexplored opportunities that will make this journey truly captivating.”
While the timing of these updates remains uncertain, it’s reasonable to assume that Microsoft will continue releasing information about the game in the coming weeks and months as the launch approaches.
launches on November 19 exclusively for Xbox Series X/S and PC.