The Final Fantasy series has undergone significant transformations over the years, with its transition to 3D rendering far outpacing its time in 2D. However, the initial decade of Final Fantasy’s dominance can also be seen as a pivotal period in the history of online gaming. The iconic Final Fantasy sextet is a timeless treasure, now available at a 20% discount as the Pixel Remasters are up for grabs. Treat yourself to the comprehensive bundle of Last Fantasy 1-6 Pixel Remasters, now priced at $59.99 (originally $74.99) on Nintendo, PlayStation, and Humble stores, with Steam keys also included. The sale ends on Monday? Through this week 15, on the Nintendo/PlayStation storefronts.
For existing digital library owners, select individual titles from Nintendo and PlayStation stores are also available to purchase, priced between $9.59 (originally $11.99) for standalone releases up to $14.39 (originally $17.99).
If you’ve never played a traditional Final Fantasy game before, you may be surprised by how many series staples have been present since the early days. Airships? Because the starting. Chocobos? Working round since Moogles? Being cute since . Cactuars? The band simply made a splash with their debut album. And what about our old pal Cid? Originally debuting in a specific context, this concept was later rewritten to fit its current singular purpose. Cid’s simply that essential.