The Gamescom Opening Evening Live is set to take place on August 20th, seemingly marking the moment when Capcom will unveil its next trailer for the highly anticipated. As the game unfolds, highlights emerge on all weapon types, commencing with the iconic Great Sword. A formidable arsenal: gradual yet potent, designed for rapid-fire assaults and devastating damage.
The Nice Sword’s distinctive feature is its ability to unleash charged slashes that leave an opponent momentarily vulnerable. Notwithstanding efficient touchdowns, one can potentially unlock two additional levels of charged slashes. With its versatility, the weapon excels at defending against assaults; it can even cancel charged slashes via a precise shoulder block, which simultaneously provides injury reduction.
Wilds introduces an upward slash that may knock a monster down, allowing for up to two follow-up slices. Focusing on combat, Focus Mode enables you to drag your sword across multiple wounds on an enemy, unleashing a flurry of strikes and leaving it reeling. When blocking an incoming attack, the mode also triggers a thrilling visual effect, further emphasizing its tactical value in intense battles.
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