Tarsier Studios, renowned for their innovative approach to gaming, has unveiled a tantalizing glimpse into their latest sporting endeavour. While its appearance may not be overwhelmingly grotesque, it still hints at forthcoming terrors. Test it out under.
The game’s official identity remains undisclosed, but developers have officially announced a global unveiling for Gamescom Opening Night Live on August 20th. The highly anticipated finale teaser premiered in February 2021, revealing a frenetic montage of enigmatic images: a dilapidated structure, a car careening down a deserted highway, and an ominous glimpse of a monstrous entity.
While that monstrous entity may indeed be the mysterious “they” alluded to in the teaser, a closer inspection is needed to confirm this suspicion. The newly minted intellectual property, severed from any further iterations by Tarsier Studios’ reassignment to focus solely on its existing franchise following the acquisition by the Embracer Group. Supermassive Games is set to launch its new title in 2025, coinciding with the release of a separate game on September 3rd.
The upcoming reveal of the first episode title in the second season of a popular horror series at Gamescom later this month appears intriguing. Stay informed of developments in the interim.