The highly anticipated next installment in the Mafia series, rumored to be a prequel, remains unannounced by 2K Games and Hangar 13 Games. It seems that, in the intervening period, rumors have emerged about a remake of the original game, slated for release on Xbox Game Pass in August.
Nate the Hate, a prominent insider in the gaming community, shared details about an upcoming title on ResetEra, a popular online forum. His subsequent update confirmed the information’s validity. The nature of these newcomers’ timing remains unclear, whether part of an initial surge or subsequent influx. The remake of the classic game was released in 2020 across platforms including Xbox One, PS4, and PC, with Tommy Angelo as its protagonist, leaving his life behind in Los Heaven to chase the elusive American dream. He quickly transforms into a ruthless underworld operative at the beck and call of the powerful Salieri family.
While maintaining the same narrative thread, this revised version delves deeper into the underlying complexities. The app now also features new choices such as bicycles and a complimentary travel itinerary option. While drawing inspiration from Mafia 3’s gameplay mechanics, fans of retro-style experiences can engage with the Traditional Problem system to earn expertise bonuses reminiscent of its vintage counterpart?
Stay tuned for updates on the Recreation Move’s inclusion in our evaluation process within the next few weeks.