As a valued listener, we’re excited to announce a new premium, extended version of this podcast is now available exclusively to VG247 paid subscribers. For more details on how you can access this enhanced content, please visit our Help Us webpage. By taking these steps, we can confidently preserve our current momentum. Don’t worry if this opportunity isn’t a good fit; the underlying principles remain accessible and freely available to everyone at all times.
Have you ever found yourself swept up in a meeting or appointment that ran significantly longer than expected – perhaps with a doctor, optometrist, or other professional? While we’ve all experienced the importance of in-person meetings, it’s undeniable that some of these gatherings could be more efficiently conducted via email.
This week on The Greatest Video Games Ever Podcast, we dedicate an entire episode to dissecting the very essence of our successful VG247 gatherings: passionate discussions about video games. What’s the perfect sport that should’ve been a memo?
While some video games undoubtedly charm with their captivating narratives and engaging gameplay, others can unfortunately linger excessively, overstaying their welcome. From memory, I immediately think of the Persona sequence. Engaging in immersive video game experiences that demand significant investments of your limited time on this planet to master their challenging combat mechanics.
While numerous additional email exchanges could have sufficed, Jim, Tom, Sherif, and Connor instead opted to delve into the topic through a series of video games.
Witness the captivating video presentation of the greatest games ever created here.
Consider the audio model for “The Greatest Video Games Ever Created” here.
Tune in every Friday to catch the latest installment of The Greatest Video Games Ever Presented. Subscribe to our podcast feed right here on VG247, or through your preferred podcast platform.
Particularly notable was Jim’s performance of “Jim’s Theme”.