Hoyoverse has unveiled an all-new animated trailer for their exhibition at Animate, starring the captivating Ganyu as the main attraction. The trailer, measuring a concise forty seconds in length,
This is an identical design to the one Ganyu wore when Animate first showcased the collaboration event in May 2024. The collaborative occasion’s identity, aptly named “Travels Where My Heart Takes Me,” features Ganyu embracing the carefree spirit of a summer getaway. Wearing an all-white ensemble, she grasps a parasol and totes a petite carry-on suitcase. Does this accessory complement the overall aesthetic of her character?
Watch the captivating Animate trailer featuring Ganyu right here.
The Animate website provides details on the AR stamp rally, which can be participated in until August 19, 2024. In the expansive Ikebukuro station area, there exist five pivotal locations that warrant a visit for a unique opportunity to obtain a QR code. Once you’ve collected all of your stamps, you’ll gain access to a special wallpaper for your digital device. Get exclusive Ganyu merchandise while you still can – she’s rocking her one-of-a-kind look for a limited time only!
Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and mobile devices. The exhibition is expected to conclude on August 19, 2024.