The developer Large Leisure, known for its work on post-apocalyptic America and an otherworldly alien planet, is poised to transport gamers to a distant galaxy with the launch of the first-ever open-world space exploration game? Ahead of its highly anticipated launch in August, Ubisoft has officially announced that the game has reached gold status.
The development phase has finally concluded, enabling the game to be mastered and distributed to players. Although Large Leisure will continue refining their product, any future efforts will focus on pre-launch or day-one patches rather than substantial overhauls.
The highly anticipated title will officially launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on August 30, with the added bonus of securing two upcoming expansions within the coming months. According to Julian Gerighty, Inventive Director, the game’s primary storyline is expected to span around 25-30 hours of gameplay, with a more thorough playthrough potentially requiring up to 50-60 hours to complete.
has gone gold!
The excitement is palpable – we’re eager for you to embark on an adventure through the Outer Rim, immersing yourself in the life of a swashbuckling scoundrel. The countdown begins: only three weeks until August 30 arrives, bringing with it a world of possibilities and intrigue.
— Star Wars Outlaws (@StarWarsOutlaws)